Your Dream Shoes

Whether you choose a fully bespoke pair of shoes, or choose something ready to wear, you can be assured that your shoes will be made by one person, Thomas Wandall, from beginning to end.  They are made here at the workshop in Richmond, California, always of the finest quality materials, using the best techniques vetted by two thousand years of shoemakers (that is, traditional techniques with a few modern innovations).

Tom says, “This work is personal.  I am putting my heart and soul into each step of each shoe.  These are the results of a great deal of passion—for shoes, for leather, for the craft and how it has been handed down from shoemaker to shoemaker over generations.”

For fully bespoke shoes, you may choose from among several styles, leathers, toe designs, decorative details, and soles.  Of course, the shoe is made after a careful measurement of your feet, a discussion about your fit and style preferences, and an assessment of your stance and gait.

When Tom is not making custom shoes for specific individuals, he makes ready-to-wear shoes using the same quality materials and hand techniques.  If there’s a display pair in the shop that you fancy, and if you are fortunate enough that they are in your size, you could walk out of the shop wearing your new favorite shoes.

In addition to men’s-style dress shoes (for men or women), Tom also makes leather sandals in a variety of styles.  Sandals are rarely made without a custom fitting, so there are generally no ready-to-wear sandals.

make an appointment for a personal consultation.

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